Tel. (407) 375-7650
Remote Support

User not Found Error

Greetings, It has been reported that a lot of our clients are experiencing bouncing emails when receiving emails from customers with the error message “User wasn’t found at domain or the mailbox is unavailable”. Those using Office 365 or a Microsoft Office 365 Product are the one experiencing this problem. This is happening across the[…]

Outlook is blocking attachments

Recently if you try to send an attachment like a PDF you noticed that you receive an error in Outlook right before you send the attachment that reads “The item contains attachments that are potentially unsafe. Recipients using Microsoft Outlook may not be able to open these attachments. Do you want to send it anyways?[…]

How to Open a Support Ticket

While we understand that every single computer situation is an emergency for the customer, we have to admit that sometimes you can find a work around and another solution. This is why we have a ticketing system, not only to keep track of the work we do but also for you to keep track of[…]

Ransomeware Attack – Windows Patch

Users of Windows need to be notified ASAP of a new ransomware strain and take immediate measures to patch. Specifically, on May 12, 2017 a new strain of the Ransom.CryptXXX (WannaCry) strain of ransomware began spreading widely impacting a large number of organizations, particularly in Europe. Wcry is demanding a ransom of $300 to $600[…]

Agent Update March 1st

Dear Customer, As part of our promise of keeping your system up to date, we will need to update our Remote Agent on all the workstations and servers. The update will take place on Wednesday March 1st, at 10:00pm, no user intervention is needed other than keep your workstations on during that night in case[…]

Be careful with Holiday Emails

Holidays and Trick Emails are Coming Since the Holiday Season begin we started to get bombarded by all kind of email from the IRS to Customs to Carriers. Please let your Staff know to pay detail attention by the type of email they are receiving, even if the company is expecting a package make them aware[…]

System Restart Monday October 24

System will Restart on Monday October 24, 2016 at 7:00pm   Should you shutdown or restart your computer? The answer is YES. You should shutdown or restart your computer at least once a week. This will allow some of the internal hardware to take a break and cool off from an every day power consumption[…]

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