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Outlook Crashing

It seems that a recent Microsoft Office Update released yesterday Tuesday July 14, 2020 is causing some outlook to either Crash when opening or just close as soon as you open it. This is a Microsoft issue and no solution has been provided by Microsoft yet. If you are experiencing this problem please contact us[…]

Ransomeware Attack – Windows Patch

Users of Windows need to be notified ASAP of a new ransomware strain and take immediate measures to patch. Specifically, on May 12, 2017 a new strain of the Ransom.CryptXXX (WannaCry) strain of ransomware began spreading widely impacting a large number of organizations, particularly in Europe. Wcry is demanding a ransom of $300 to $600[…]

Storm Emergency Procedure

Good Morning As you know Florida is in the Hurricane Watch for Thursday and as much as we will like to continue working during the storm, as a Network Administrator I do not recommend that. The UPS Battery Backups for all Nova Momentum Computer customers are setup to start the shutdown process of the server[…]

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